
In today's digital era, online communication has become an indispensable part of our lives. However, with the rise of cyber threats, protecting your conversations is crucial. This article aims to provide an overview of conversation hijacking attacks and offers practical advice on how to identify and prevent them. 

1. Understanding Conversation Hijacking Attacks 

Conversation hijacking attacks, also known as man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, involve intercepting and tampering with online communications between two parties (Schneier, 2015)1. Cybercriminals can eavesdrop, manipulate, or even impersonate the participants of a conversation, potentially leading to data theft, identity fraud, or financial loss. 

2. Common Types of Conversation Hijacking Attacks 

  •  Email Hijacking: Email hijacking occurs when cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to an individual's email account, enabling them to intercept, manipulate, or send emails on the victim's behalf (Mandiant, 2020) [^2^]. Attackers may utilize phishing emails, keyloggers, or other methods to steal login credentials or exploit security vulnerabilities in the email service. Once they have access to the account, they can monitor sensitive information, spread malware, or perpetrate fraud by impersonating the account holder.
  • Session Hijacking: In session hijacking attacks, cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to hijack a user's session, effectively taking over their online activities (OWASP, 2021) [^3^]. This can be achieved through various methods such as session fixation, session side jacking, or cross-site scripting (XSS). By gaining control of a user's session, attackers can access sensitive data, modify user settings, or perform unauthorized actions on the victim's behalf.
  • VoIP Hijacking: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) hijacking targets communication systems that transmit voice data over the internet (Symantec, 2021)[^4^]. Attackers intercept and potentially alter the voice data transmitted between parties, allowing them to eavesdrop on private conversations, inject fabricated messages, or disrupt calls. VoIP hijacking can be executed through MITM attacks, exploiting vulnerabilities in the VoIP protocol or client software, or by compromising VoIP servers.
  • Instant Messaging (IM) Hijacking: Instant messaging hijacking involves attackers compromising IM platforms to monitor and manipulate ongoing conversations (Kaspersky, 2021)[^5^]. This can be achieved by intercepting network traffic, exploiting security flaws in the messaging app, or using social engineering tactics to trick users into revealing their login credentials. Once they have control over the IM account, cybercriminals can access sensitive information, impersonate the account holder, or distribute malicious files or links to the victim's contacts.

3. Identifying Conversation Hijacking Attacks 

  • Unusual Activity: Pay close attention to unexpected or suspicious actions during a conversation. For instance, unauthorized access to your account, sudden changes in communication style, or messages from unknown contacts could be red flags. Stay vigilant and question any anomalies you encounter, as these could be indicators of a conversation hijacking attack in progress. 
  • Unexpected Attachments or Links: Attackers often send malicious files or links to unsuspecting victims to gain control over their devices or steal sensitive information (Panda Security, 2021)[^6^]. Be cautious when opening attachments or clicking on links, especially if they appear out of context or are from an unfamiliar source. Verify the legitimacy of the content with the sender before interacting with it. 
  • Inconsistencies in Conversations: Keep an eye out for inconsistencies in messages, such as sudden changes in language, tone, or messaging patterns. These discrepancies may suggest that an attacker is impersonating a participant in the conversation, using their account to gather information, spread malware, or manipulate the communication. Double-check the identity of the sender and confirm the authenticity of any unusual messages through an alternate communication channel. 
  •  Warning Signs of Email Hijacking: There are several warning signs that could indicate a compromised email account. Unexplained password resets sent or deleted emails that you did not initiate, or unauthorized logins from unfamiliar locations are all potential indicators of email hijacking. If you suspect that your email account has been compromised, immediately change your password, enable two-factor authentication (if not already enabled), and notify your email service provider to investigate the issue further.

4. Preventing Conversation Hijacking Attacks

  •  Use Strong Authentication Measures: To enhance your account security, implement strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible (FBI, 2021)[^7^]. Strong passwords typically include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. 2FA provides an additional layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a one-time code sent to your phone or an authentication app.
  • Keep Software Up to Date: Regularly update your operating system, browser, and applications to protect against known vulnerabilities (US-CERT, 2021)[^8^]. Updates often contain security patches that address identified weaknesses, reducing the risk of cybercriminals exploiting those vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates when possible to ensure timely installation.
  • Use Encrypted Communication Channels: Choose secure, encrypted messaging apps like Signal, WhatsApp, or Threema for your online conversations (EFF, 2021)[^9^]. These apps use end-to-end encryption to protect the contents of your messages from being intercepted and read by unauthorized parties, including the app developers and service providers.
  • Verify Identities: Before engaging in sensitive conversations, verify the identity of the participants using a combination of shared secrets (e.g., a passphrase), personal questions, or other verification methods. This helps ensure that you are communicating with the intended recipient and not an imposter.
  • Be Cautious with Public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi networks can be vulnerable to eavesdropping and other cyber threats. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive communications or use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your connection and protect your data from potential interception (Norton, 2021)[^10^].
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about emerging cyber threats and best practices for online security. Regularly read cybersecurity news, attend webinars, or participate in security training programs to enhance your knowledge. Share this information with friends, family, and colleagues to help them stay safe online and create a culture of security awareness.


Protecting your online conversations requires vigilance and proactive measures. By understanding the risks of conversation hijacking attacks and implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you can help safeguard your privacy and security in the digital age.